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The Very End
S3 licensed
Are you ****ing retarded?
Go away dickless Jimmy.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Can we threesome it?
The Very End
S3 licensed
A lot of people claim to know, a very few actually knows. Don't belive on anything said on this forum when speculating in dates, because mostly is just bullshit.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Haha lol, people canot drive karts without crashing, what makes you think V8 is a good idea? Would be fun as fuk tho.

And I promiss to rape bob on webcam for your entertainment.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well, that's not the point, if I just had to look at them I would be very much pleased anyway!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Oh my god those boobs!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Kingwalter, I actually understabd what you mean by calling some cheat minded and slme yack minded. And actually I found your way of writing quite intersting in the start, you seem to know what you talk about. However, you are too agressive, and maybe on the brink of beeing a little high ln yourself and your capabilities and therfor look and speaks down on others.

This is not meant as an attack on you, but please be a little more nice to the other members, ok?

Back topic:
I am probally also a cheat mind person, as long as there is a sollution for a problem I do not care about the techobable. Good example of this was when I was modding the game CnC Generals. I worked with the AI scripts with the aim to make them better and more fun to play with. Ultimately I let it cheat by giving in certain advantages in Money and unit building speed. Also there was some other silly tweakings I did witch made it total dicks BUT fun to olay with. And I think that is whats important, if it works - good, most users will be satisfyed by that.

So is it possible to do the KERS and wing editing, if so do it, even if it's some half assed simple negative values hack.
Consider this as friendly spam
Blergh: many errors here sorry, on a phone.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Dumb ****s IMO.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Neither do I
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Fordman :What LFS has a cockpit view TVE

Next you will be telling me it has tyre deformation and more calculations than Mensa could throw at....but the Iphone has all this and more HAHA

Lol stop taking me so serious
The Very End
S3 licensed
But you gotta admit, those textures on the phone game still beats the RB4 cockpit lol
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Rappa Z :

And you don't expect us to make jokes when you post reviews like that.

What? It's like the best reveiw of a movie ever

Quote from DeadWolfBones :Man of Steel is a real shitshow.

The Very End
S3 licensed
Yeah! Yo dawg Vic! My homie! Rename this hood to liak somethin' pimpin'!
YAOW DAWG are you listening, DAWG!!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Holy ****BALLS!
Aight, so I was like forever alone tonight and whent alone to the cinema since I was borred (how said ain't that?), and watched

"Man of Steel"
Bitch please, no, it's not one of my many porn videos, it's this one:

Well I did not know what to expect, but not this! The first things, yeah like 10 minutes into the movie everything goes totally batshit and by god damn cocktastic music it blew my ****ing mind all over the first ROW of seats! (which I by the way was the only one on, since I am forever alone but ANYHOW!)

Then it rolls on, and the movie is just a blast! Sure, it's an action movie, sure it has it flaws and plotholes, but I think I never seen such great special effect ever, and with some emotional rollercoasters here and there with action scenes and great music... well this movie was fantastic! Love it!

Anyone else seen it?

Ps: saw it in 3D.
The Very End
S3 licensed
What is this shit? Why, god why, must I get the bootycalls from LFS people asking me to come BLOWING (ha-HA) up something?

Jesus christ, why don't we rename this forum to "The legends of the 51 virgings and the epic quest for sausage"?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Now that is an excelent way of discussing, tell everyone who has a slightly different veiw than yourself to stfu ^-^
The Very End
S3 licensed
You thinking about the fact that it's a creature which is still alive? Animal cruility or what?
Come on, I need an explenation of what and why you seemed offended by it.
The Very End
S3 licensed
What... why so angry on that?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Actually that is wrong. The devs have been offered content before and refused. A good example is the Company that makes the DP1 or what it is called. They got an offer to get the car free to the game without license issues. What was the answer? -no.
Also there are a ton of people who can do amazing stuff, but the devs did not want to encurage people to mod this game / develope it further and made it illegal to create, share and talk about added cars and tracks to the game.

By all means, I love LFS, I am just dead borred of it now and most likely won't touch it before a content patch or something. If that never comes, well then it's the nail in the coffin at least for me.

Again, LFS jas been the game I have used the most time on, ever, it's just that the lack of new tracks aswell as a sterile (no weather changes etc etc) makes it hard to be as fun as it was in 04-06. So please do not thknk of me as a casual whiner, alltho I whine, a lot
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
Congratulations to us, and thank you
The Very End
S3 licensed
Good luck ;p Brake on the gears will save you I guess haha, mine had no brakes for a month before I got it fixed (there were some, but not much). Luckily the car is so light and squary that the wind resistance itself often were enough to brake the car (just had to lift trottle)
The Very End
S3 licensed
Sometimes I ****ing hate this forum...
The Very End
S3 licensed
If this is all you can swallow you're not fit for this forum!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well enlighten me then darling, because even I finds no joy in beeing raped by a shemale. And trust me, even if was not directly a rape or a shemale, I got experience in stuff like this. Actually, I am an god damn expert on this field!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well it could be worse. You could have been assaulted and raped by a shemale. Compared to that even this bunch of imbreed mongoloids on LFSForum makes it an O.K evening!